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Cat owners are well aware of this picture. They enter the bathroom to wash their hands, but find a giant ball of fur sleeping in the sink. The cat took possession of her, considering porcelain his concave mattress. So why do cats do this?

Unfortunately, science does not know exactly this, as well as much else about cats. But there are some theories. Speaking to Reader's Digest, Dr. Rebecca Greenstein, a veterinary expert, said [1] that shells attract cats with their pleasing shape. It makes them feel comfortable and safe. In addition, the shape of the shell may remind them of the time when they were just kittens and slept in a bunch with their brothers and sisters, head and limb touching.

Another theory is that after sunbathing on the windowsill, the cool, smooth surface of the sink can help cool them down a bit. Sinks can relax cats because they are in one of the quietest areas in your apartment. The bathroom is not as noisy and crowded as your kitchen or living room. Because the shells are raised, cats can also experience feelings of superiority and safety, accompanied by observation from a more favorable vantage point.


And the last theory is that cats view the shell as a source of running water, so they stick to it.

Generally, sleeping in shells is just a fancy cat preference, but if it seems like the cat is looking for a shell to get more water, it might be worth paying attention to. “The first step is to make sure there are no major health problems such as diabetes or kidney disease that could cause your cat to look for extra water to drink. - says Grinstein. "If you have a middle-aged or older cat and she seems to drink and urinate more, is losing weight or showing any other signs of illness, you should take your cat to the vet to rule out any hidden problems."